Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Kate Might Have Done Differently

Interesting show was Lost's "What Kate Does". I think it was a huge let down in action/answers etc. for some... but how could you possibly keep that hype level going?

My suspicion is that the pill was full of the mysterious ash that we've seen the monster have trouble with. If Sayid takes it, will it kill him and the "darkness" or just the "darkness"? It makes me wish once again for some straightforward conversation from the characters.

Dogen: Have him take this pill.

Jack: What is it?

Dogen: It's some magical ash that we've discovered keeps that freaky smoke monster at bay.

Jack: Oh yeah, I don't like that thing.

Dogen: Neither do we. That's why we're all freaking out around here. We're afraid that it's coming to get us.

Jack: Really? How can we help?

See? Just some simple straight talk can really help people get along and work together to achieve a common goal.

We also see Ethan again and he's still a doctor, but this time not a creepy baby-jabbing one. Seems that he's taken the "opposite" that that Hurley's on (or believes he's on). Some of the flash-sideways characters are complete opposites of what they were on the island. Some are not. I wonder if this will play out, or if it's just for some comedy relief?

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